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Women's Participation in the Security Sector
Help us raise awareness of the issues and how we can influence decision and policy makers, and develop more role models for our younger generation.

Calling for Greater Gender Equality within the Security Sector
SecurityWomen was established in 2015, gained UK registered Charity status in 2016 and US 501(c)(3) non-profit listing in 2018. Registered UK Charity Number: 1169486

Our Objectives
Set up in 2015, SecurityWomen is an advocacy organisation for the inclusion of more women in security sector institutions, including the military and police, in countries throughout the world.
- We highlight academic papers, publications and reports about Women Peace and Security, monitor progress on gender equality in security institutions, to increase women in decision-making roles towards a 50:50 gender balance.
- We examine the barriers to women’s progress, from how to attract women to join the military and police, to how to develop a professional working environment free from gender discrimination.
- The purpose of SecurityWomen is to act as an advocacy organisation for the inclusion of more women in security sector institutions, including the military and police forces.
- SecurityWomen recognises that goals in the post 2015 development agenda, which aim to eradicate poverty and prevent environmental degradation, require progress towards a world in which gender equality is essential.
- SecurityWomen seeks to highlight learning and development practices within the security sector and the use of gender-sensitive training for all.
- We aim to gather information on women’s roles in peacekeeping, and their position in conflict negotiations and efforts in peacebuilding.
- We seek to evaluate women’s contribution and progress towards equality of representation within UN peacekeeping forces.
- We raise awareness of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 which reaffirms the importance of women in the resolution of conflicts in peace-building.